Monday, November 17, 2008

How Do Antibiotics Help Cure a Cold Sore?

Many people have asked me in the past if antibiotics can help cure a cold sore. The truth is, antibiotics do not actually treat the cold sore itself, but rather, treats the virus that is causing the cold sore to appear.

Cold sores are caused by an active outbreak of the herpes simplex virus. What most people do not realize, is that a majority of people actually carry this virus, it is just not active in their system. A cold sore is simply a symptom of a herpes simplex outbreak.
Antibiotics are very useful in treating a cold sore, only to the point of slowing down the outbreak of the virus itself.

If you are looking for remedies for cold sores, then you should first look at the all natural treatment options given at

These treatments will work to eliminate your cold sore very quickly, and have you ready to face the world again in no time at all.

End Cold Sore Embarrassment

So many people when treating a cold sore talk about how a cold sore is embarrassing. While the underlying cause of the cold sore does require treatment, most people just want to do whatever it takes to cure a cold sore rapidly.

Most cold sores take upwards of three to four weeks to fully go away on their own. The number reason the recovery time is so long, is people tend to pick at a cold sore, instead of letting it heal naturally. This will delay the process of making that cold sore disappear.

I have found some really great, all natural remedies for cold sores that really seem to work for me. They do not involve antibiotics, and get get rid of the embarrassing cold sore in a little as THREE days. You can find this information over at

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is the Best Cold Sore Cure?

Is there such a thing as the best cold sore cure? Many people I have talked too will argue there are several cold sore cures that are the best. Frankly, I have been a cold sore sufferer for many years, and absolutely nothing has seemed to help when I get one.

I have tried everything from prescription medications to fancy (and EXPENSIVE) lip creams, and nothing seems to help me shorten the amount of time the cold sore is on my lips.

There is nothing more embarrassing to me than having a cold sore on my lips, especially if I am in a big meeting or traveling to a client. It is almost like those Tide stain commercials, the one where the guy is trying to talk but all the other person can see or hear is the giant stain on his shirt. I feel that way with a cold sore!

I am starting to go the homepathic route in my search for a cold sore cure. I found some information on this over at and am in process of implementing the natural tips and tricks. Hopefully, results will follow soon!